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Arguments, Parameters and Flags

Minicli commands use the following structure and nomenclature for commands and arguments:

./minicli command subcommand param1=value1 param2=value2 --flag1 --flag2
  • minicli: The executable script that instantiates the application. It can be named however you like. When using the application template, this will be named minicli by default, but you are free to rename it so that it reflects your application name.
  • command: The main command namespace or single command being called.
  • subcommand: A subcommand from the command namespace.
  • param1=value2: Parameters are identified as keypairs and injected into the controller automatically.
  • --flag1: Flags are identified by preceding -- characters, and are also injected into the controller automatically.

The controller surfaces several methods to obtain the parameters used to call the application:

getArgs(): array

Obtains all arguments included in the command call. This will return the contents obtained via the $argv[] global variable, where position 0 corresponds to the script name, and the following items are each command argument.

hasParam(): bool, getParam(): string

Both methods are used to work with parameters. In the next example, we check if a parameter was set, then adjust the output accordingly:

    public function handle(): void
        $name = "World";
        if ($this->hasParam('name')) {
            $name = $this->getParam('name');
        $this->display("Hello $name!");

To print a customized "Hello" message, you'd include name=myname as additional command call argument when running your app.

hasFlag(): bool

Identifies if a flag has been set.

    public function handle(): void
        $message = "Hello World";
        if ($this->hasFlag('shout')) {
            $message = strtoupper($message);


Defining Required Parameters

You can define required parameters for your command by implementing the required method in your command class:

    public function handle(): void
        $name = $this->getParam('name');
        $this->display("Hello $name!");

    public function required(): array
        return ['name'];

If the required parameter is not provided when calling the command, an error message will be displayed:

Text Only
Missing required parameter(s): name