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Using Minicli in your Project

If you want to use Minicli to create a command-line helper for your PHP project, you can use minicli/minicli directly and this won't bring in any additional dependencies.

Start by requiring minicli/minicli from your project:

composer require minicli/minicli

You'll then need to create a PHP script to implement your Minicli command. In this example, we'll build a demo command that echoes the arguments and parameters passed at execution time.

Although you can create this file directly in the root of your project, if you plan on having additional executables you should consider having a bin folder in your project. We'll follow this methodology for this example:

mkdir bin
Create a new file in the root of your project. In this example we'll call it minicli, but you can give it a name that is more relevant to your project or to the functionality being implemented.

nano bin/minicli
Place the following contents in this file:


if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') {

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Minicli\App;
use Minicli\Command\CommandCall;
use Minicli\Exception\CommandNotFoundException;

$app = new App();
$app->setSignature('./minicli mycommand');

$app->registerCommand('mycommand', function(CommandCall $input) {
    echo "My Command!";


try {
} catch (CommandNotFoundException $e) {
    echo 'An error occurred running the command: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";


The first if makes sure the script can only be executed from the command line. Minicli was not made for the web.

Save the file. From the command line, set the permissions of this file to +x:

chmod +x bin/minicli

Now you can execute your implemented command with:

./bin/minicli mycommand name=erika --test
Var dump of CommandCall object
My Command!object(Minicli\Command\CommandCall)#11 (6) {
  string(9) "mycommand"
  string(7) "default"
  array(2) {
    string(6) "./test"
    string(9) "mycommand"
  array(4) {
    string(6) "./test"
    string(9) "mycommand"
    string(10) "name=erika"
    string(6) "--test"
  array(1) {
    string(5) "erika"
  array(1) {
    string(6) "--test"